Paper Trading Rankings

The best and the worst traders on r/BitcoinMarkets.

All traders start with a $100,000 Balance + Reloads

Prize Pool

? sats ($?)

Total Borrowed


Sidelined Cash


Total Equity


Net Exposure


Long: $?
Short: $?
Net Leverage


Long: ?X
Short: ?X

PnL Updated:

Rank User Cash Unrealized PnL Total Balance Total PnL Trades

Limit Commands

Limit Commands allow execution of commands at a set price.

Limit Price User Command

Open Trades

All of the paper trades made by r/BitcoinMarkets traders that are currently open.

User Opened Open Price Summary Unrealized PnL

Closed Trades

All of the paper trades made by r/BitcoinMarkets traders that are now closed.

User Opened Open Price Summary Closed Close Price PnL

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